Osama M. Hijji

Technical Director & Group CISO at IP Protocol INC, Egypt

Cyber Security Management

Session Title | SOC From Cyber Deterrence Perspective

Security Operation Centers are usually composed of 3 tiers, usually, the implementation of a SOC starts by getting Tier 1 (SOC Analysts) onboard then Tier 2 (Incident Responders) & finally, and maybe never Tier 3 (Threat Hunters) ... But what if this sequence is drastically reducing the value of the SOC and making the enterprise more prone to lose? What if there was a better sequence of implementation that secures better the enterprise, increases the SOC value and decreases security losses? Enterprises need to be proactive rather than reactive in the way they handle security and must focus on preventing incidents while they remain threats rather than wait for the disaster to happen and handle it as an incident. In this session, we will look at SOC from a proactive rather than reactive perspective, from an attacker rather than attack perspective, ... From a security ... Rather than compliance perspective.

Osama speaks fluently Arabic, English, French and can understand & manage with Italian.

Osama has a broad experience with security technologies including Palo Alto, CheckPoint, Juniper (SSG & SRX), Cisco (PIX & ASA), Fortinet Fortigate, StoneSoft, McAfee Sidewinder FWs/UTMs as well as TrendMicro Network AV, FireEye Nx Network anti-APTs, BlueCoat AV, BlueCoat WAF, NetCache WAF, IronPort WAF, McAfee Web Gateway, Riverbed proxies, Bluecoat, Symantec, Websense & WebWasher content Filters, Cisco IDS, Juniper IDP, SourceFire IPS, FireEye Ex Email anti-APT, McAfee Email Gateway, Juniper SSL & Nortel Contivity secure remote access gateways, Radware Alteon, F5 BigIP, Aruba & HP switches, Arbor DDOS solutions, IBM BigFix, McAfee, Palo Alto Traps, FireEye Hx, TrendMicro Office Scan end-Point solutions as well as PKI infrastructure.